This article published today (http://www.epravda.com.ua/publications/2017/07/17/627005/ 'Глобальні економічні тренди та Україна без майбутнього' Global economic trends and Ukraine without a future) on the economic future (or doom) of Ukraine, throws in sharp contrast day 4 of being in Kyiv, where I am conscious, careful to watch what establishment I go into, as I will not afford 2 months here. This is in spite of a research grant for travel and a UK University lecturer’s (albeit ECR/entry level) salary. How to reconcile the ethics of this? Is it positive that Kyiv has competitive European prices and offerings (rent, food, drink) as it draws on foreign/touristic spending? I doubt it. How could one, on a Ukrainian (hryvna) salary afford to live, eat, dress, in this city?
Conceivably, the ‘native’ population – those without oligarch funding, or remittances - is living in, what in the UK would be considered dire poverty and without social security, support or functioning ‘charitable’ support. Then how un-ethical is it for me to be here supporting this Europeanised-foreign prices economy? I won’t be supporting it for long, as I unreservedly spend at the corner vendor selling cherries over packaged goods at a chain grocery store. Yet how troubling is the gap between price rises supported by foreign tourism/business and local, natives of Kyiv?
Notwithstanding, the taste of fruit, vegetables, produce here is unbelievable – every flavour augmented. Textures bursting with every bite. In the UK we can only dream of such luxurious apricots, cherries and tomatoes.
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